Home of Seymour Fogel: Southwind

Seymour Fogel built his home and studio in Austin, Texas--later to be known as Southwind, a Historic Landmark.

Located on 2411 Kinney Road in Austin, Texas, Seymour Fogel made his home from what was previously a dairy barn of George Peter Hachenberg, a retired military surgeon, anthropologist, physician, and inventor. Upon moving to Texas in 1946 to teach at the University of Texas at Austin, the idea of building his own home and studio was a wonderful idea the artist could not escape upon the suggestion of a colleague, Charles Umlauf, from the university.

While in dire need of basic repair and modernization to make the structure habitable, Fogel envisioned what would become the home for his family and the studio for his work. To Fogel, the setting was idyllic providing a rustic setting enabling him to relax, explore new artistic techniques, and gather with friends to discuss art, literature, music, and life.

Seymour Fogel painstakingly deconstructed the building, saving materials to reduce costs and maintain the history and integrity of the building. Over the course of years with the help of friends, Fogel dedicated his available time to the creation of his new home and studio--later to be called and known as "Southwind." The buildings are constructed of concrete, limestone, weatherboard, asphalt, brick, and wood.

Southwind's lot is nearly one acre and contains Fogel's studio of 600 square feet, and his home of nearly 4,000 square feet.

Upon completion, Fogel's home and studio represented the perfect juxtaposition of rustic and modern. Based upon the history of the property, the renovations performed by Fogel, and the importance of Fogel's artistic contributions to Texas Abstract Art and the American Abstract Expressionist Movement, Southwind was listed in the National Register of Historic Places on April 2, 2003.

We would like to thank Paisley Robertson, the current owner and steward of Southwind, for the above images and allowing them to be shared with fellow Fogel enthusiasts. Thank you!